Jump straight in to transformative and experiential learning with our free masterclass. It's packed full of information, ideas, journalling prompts and somatic and nature based practice to support your self healing and unsticking from the tricky stuff.
The Inner Critic holds a lot of power. It can be dominant, violent and bullying, keeping us trapped in endless cycles of judgement, shame and self doubt.
Most mind based therapies teach us to 'reframe our mindset' or practice positive affirmations. They might work to a degree, but they certainly don't help us truly heal the wounds driving our inner critic to play out the way it does. We cant think our way out of self criticism.
In this 60 minute workshop you'll learn how and why the inner critic comes to life, how its doing its best to protect you (although it certainly doesn't seem like it), why we often resist self compassion and how to actually embody more compassion through powerful somatic and nature based practices..
The workhop weaves psychoeducation, self enquiry, journaling prompts and powerful practices from the realms of eco psychology and somatic psychology to help you come our of your mind based thinking and into a more embodied and nourishing experience of yourself and the world
Whats included:
Over 60 minutes of video content
2 guided video practices
2 self guided practices
Journal prompts
A workshop guide
Upon sign up you will be sent the workshop guide. The guide contains the link to the video as well as the self guided practice and journal prompts.
Please note: this masterclass has been designed to be accessed from wherever you are. We don't use slides, to allow them to be listened to or watched, depending on your preference. This makes it easy to head out to the land and immerse in nature while you learn. You will receive workshop notes and a written copy of the self guided practice and journal prompts.T&C's.
Copyright © 2024 The Wild Path School - All Rights Reserved. Images by www.kerrymacphotography.co.uk
Logo Design: Nicole Boitos Hayworth
Jump straight in to transformative and experiential learning with our free masterclass. It's packed full of information, ideas, journalling prompts and somatic and nature based practice to unbind from your inner critic and embody a more compassionate relationship to yourself
In this 60 minute workshop you'll learn how and why the inner critic comes to life, how its doing its best to protect you (although it certainly doesn't seem like it), why we often resist self compassion and how to work with your body and the outer landscape to heal the hurt of shame and self judgement.